Thursday, September 19, 2013

If You're Single and You Know It

Welcome to Still Sing1e!  Let me explain what this blog is about, who I am, why I've created this blog, and how often I'm going to post. 

What is Still Sing1e?

That tagline next to the header really says it all.  This blog is going to provide a Godly point of view on a range of topics, but especially those having to relate to single men and women.  The topics won't necessarily have to do with singleness in particular, but it will be one of the focuses.  As well, this blog will cover things that singles tend to have more experience with than those who are in or have been in committed relationships.

Who is this crazy author, and to whom is he writing?

Well, I happen to be particularly single at 33 years old, not that it was ever my intention or my desire.  I live in a house by myself in the country on the edge of Yellowstone National Park.  It's so beautiful out here, but there aren't many people, and it gets really quiet in winter.

I love Jesus Christ with all my heart.  My church, a Calvary Chapel, is 71 miles away from my home.

I'm being completely honest when I say that I haven't been on a date in about six years.

And if that doesn't qualify me to write this blog, I own four cats.  Hey!  Don't be hatin'!  Cats rule the Internet.

This blog is lovingly dedicated to all those who are single and haven't found that one person with whom they want to spend the rest of their lives.  It's my hope that anyone else who reads this will acknowledge that what I write about can apply to them as well!

Why is... what's his name... "whereswayno..." writing this blog?

It's been my experience that many churches try to start singles ministries, but fail because of a lack of participation.  Many single people feel ashamed that they are single, and don't want to feel odd or strange.  I'm no exception; I've felt it too.  I've noticed that in general I end up being the oldest single at any church.  I know there are other singles out there who want someone to identify with their struggles.

As well, I think a lot of people who aren't single or have become single again, can still relate.  Even if they don't, they can still laugh at me and my cats. 

When can I expect the next post?

My plan is to write a bit of content at first so that people have more to go to than just one page with one post.  Later, as the blog develops, I will slow down to maybe a blog a week.

I like that little RSS subscription button.  I don't have to think about when the next post of my favorite blog is going to be published.  It just arrives on my computer when it is.  You should click that button, subscribe through your browser's functionality, or subscribe by email.

What's with the finger?

That finger represents two things: (1) I'm single, and (2) God is first in my life.  It pretty much sums up this blog's intention to give a Christian perspective as a single adult.  I can't wait to write some more!

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